Troubleshooting for Solar Pumps "Low Power LED ON"
Posted by Ben on 31st May 2021
If the controller is indicating lower power or the pump is not operating properly, please follow this diagnosis guide:
1) First, please check the panels connection is reliable and ensure the voltage is sufficient. If the voltage is low, the panels are not connected properly or faulty.
2) Open the controller, ensure the speed knob is turned all way clock-wised for maximum pumping power.
3) Make sure the motor electrical cable is not broken. If any part of the 3-wire cable is damaged, the pump will not run properly and Low Power LED will on.
4) Most of low power problems are caused by worn
out rotors. The rotor wears out after a long period of usage and requires to be
replaced. It also happened within few months or less year.All solar pump packages include one extra set of stators for
replacement. There is replace rotor diagram link below:
Solar Pump change Screw rotor steps diagram
5) After removing the pump end separate from the motor, the motor can be tested by running through the controller. Alternatively, the bearing can be tested by manually turning shaft by hand. If the shaft does not turn or not turn smoothly, the motor can be sent back for replacement under our two years warranty.
If the problem persists or if there is any question, please contact us via email at [email protected] or call 02-80052823.